Not the show...hopefully it will describe me on March 1st. I asked my step mom who was complaining about her weight if she'd participate in the 30-day vegan challenge with me! She quickly said no. Oh well, I'm taking this adventure on alone again. I told her I bet I loose more weight than her in 30 days jokingly and it turned it to a real bet with real stakes. Bring it.
She is training for a half marathon so she has a huge leg up on me here, that being that she exercises and I don't. Having done this diet before I know from experience the first question EVERYONE will ask is "Well where do you get your protein?" For the love of God, if you see me and are reading this DO. NOT. ask me how I'm getting my protein, calcium, or vitamin b. I got this, okay?
After the aforementioned question is asked this is undoubtedly the next one: "Why?"
Well, in all honesty my reason at first was weight loss. It worked last time. But after doing research I think Brenda Davis and Collen Patrick-Goudreau put it best.
"Adopting a vegan lifestyle is arguably the most powerful step any one individual can take toward the preservation of this planet. It takes about one-twentieth the resources to feed a vegan that is takes to feed a non-vegetarian. Intensive animal agriculture is simply not sustainable-it pollutes the air, the water, and the soil, and it is among our greatest contributors to deforestation, and species extinction. A 2008 award winning study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that our carbon footprint is more effectively reduced by eating 100 vegan ONE DAY A WEEK than by eating 100 percent local SEVEN DAYS A WEEK".
-Brenda Davis, R.D.
"When people hear the word
vegan, they tend to associate it with asceticism or martydom, deprivation or sacrifice. They often think being vegan is about rejecting thing-about saying "no". On one hand, this is true. Being vegan is about saying no. It's about saying no to suffering, exploitation, and violence. It's about saying no to unhealthful and unnecessary food. It's about saying no to the wasteful abuse of natural resources and the destruction of the remaining wild places in the world."
-Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Last time I tried this I read "Skinny Bitch" and "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch", and I highly recommend them both. However, this time I read The 30-Day Vegan Challenge because of it's extremely high rating on Amazon (pretty scientific, I know)

This was more about how to get the nutrients you need from a vegan diet with recipes included and less about the meat industry like "Skinny Bitch".
Between Pinterest where I can pin recipes to my hearts desire and this awesome website I found called which lays out the recipes so beautifully:

...I think I'll be able to stick with it longer the the 2 week trial of 2010. I'll keep this posted with the ups and downs and I'll review recipes so I know for next time which ones worked and which didn't!
I start one week from today. God help me.